Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Look, Ma! No Umbilical Cord!

Our girl is growing up! This morning, I looked down, and her umbilical cord had fallen off! 

It was so funny, and you'd expect to be grossed out by it but we weren't. It was early this morning, and I was just waking up to feed Stella. She had pooped, so Derek changed her, and when I got her into position (more on this update in a second), I looked down and it was gone. 

I said, "Derek! Look- her umbilical cord came off!" It was laying in our bed... We were both so excited since she's been getting really messy lately. She eats so much and milk gets all over her. She also had peed a couple times during changings so there was pee all over the changing table and up her back. So today, Stella got her first "real" bath. She had been getting wiped down and sponge bathed, so this was a fun treat for us. 

We took some pictures - obviously :) --

She was a champ about it. Derek and I bathed her together, and she was so good. She really is a great baby. Afterward, she needed some snuggle time:

And here's a better shot of her face:

She's just so stinking adorable! I love her little fuzzy head, and I swear she gets more hair every day. It's getting darker, or so it seems, and I love it! She's now napping in her crib. I would too after such a big event - a first bath! :)

Now regarding nursing:

On Friday, I had been a pumping machine. Every two hours I was pumping. I felt like a dairy cow. Well, Stella had been getting fussy in the evenings because she wanted to latch. Thursday night was especially bad, and I had tried to get her to latch comfortably. I just couldn't. I started crying, and Derek kept saying we should give her formula. I just kept pumping away... Well, long story short, I decided that on Friday I would give in and call the Lactation Consultants because it was starting to bother me emotionally that I couldn't nurse her and it was bothering her, too. 

The lactation consultant scheduled an appointment for me tomorrow at 2pm, and she recommended that I use a nipple shield. I felt a little weird explaining my boobs to her on the phone, but she was able to recommend the size I needed and all that. Derek and I went to Target Friday evening and bought one. Now, here's a funny (but sad) side story: I was so excited to get to nurse her again and try this nipple shield out that I came home and followed the instructions. "Boil for 20 minutes." Okay - no problem, right? Wrong. My dumb ass let the water run out and it melted in our pot. I started crying, and Derek offered to go out and get one for me. I was so pissed that I threw on my clothes again and went and bought one before Target closed. I came home and used our sterilizer instead because I didn't want to risk it. Anyway, I got the darn thing working.

So, I'm very, very, very happy that it works. It's amazing. It doesn't hurt, and Stella doesn't mind it. It really helps a lot and it's so much more convenient than pumping all the time. I'm excited to go in and see the lactation consultant on Monday so we can figure out Stella's latch. I guess it's really common for small babies to have problems like this since her mouth is only so big. 

Regardless, I'm so, so happy that I can have her nurse again :) I really missed it. 


We also had another fun thing happen yesterday. I went to check our mail and look what was inside:

Yep! That's Stella's first piece of mail! It was her social security card, and we thought it was so cute that they addressed it to her! :) 

Overall, things are going great. We've taken her to Publix and Target, and our good friends Kerry and Chris came over for dinner last night - we all ordered Chinese food! - and she was really good while they were here. I'm also feeling a bit better. I'm still walking, no running yet, and my belly is way down. I'm down 17 lbs from delivery weight, so only 19 more to go. I'm sure that once I start running, it will all come off. 

Earlier in the day yesterday, we were talking to David and Zsuzsi (Derek's brother and his fiancee) through Skype, and they were asking us about parenthood. Kerry and Chris also asked us what we think of being parents. On both occasions, Derek and I looked at each other and said, "It's honestly a lot of fun!" It really is, though. It's so much fun to see what new, silly face she'll make, and I love watching Derek play with her and change her diaper. It's honestly the best feeling in the world :) We absolutely adore her.

Before I get too emotional, I'm going to stop :) I'll just randomly cry here and there because I'm so happy with her. I love her little fuzzy head and the silly faces she makes and her high-pitched squeaks and squeals. Okay, okay - I said I'd stop! I'll end with these random pictures of her lately:

And yes, she sleeps with us. I know I said I wouldn't do it, but she seems to really like it and we love having her close to us. She's such a little snuggler! 


  1. All I can say is .........PRICLESS !!!!!!!!!!

    Love Momma

  2. I'm so glad the nipple shield worked for you! I tried using them with both of my boys. I was so happy that they could nurse a little with them. I know it's so rewarding when it works, and I hope she continues to do well with it! :)
