Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Duck, I says...

On Thursday, Stella turned 8 weeks old, and she's getting ready for her 2 month appointment with Dr. DeMauro on Wednesday. She's also getting ready for her baptism next weekend. We have a lot coming up! However, we made a huge leap this week: Stella slept in her bassinet! 

Derek and I decided to weigh her last night to see how the little piglet is progressing. She weighed 11 lbs and 5 oz. She's really packing on the pounds. In fact, some of her 0-3 months stuff is getting a bit more snug, and in Huggies diapers, she needs a 2. We bought Pampers today, so we're sticking with a 1. As I've said before, we do disposable at night because we're still getting up about 2-3 times. Plus, it's just easier to pop one of those on than to deal with a wet bag and pre-folds and Snappis. During the day, she wears her cloth diapers, and we're now able to put pre-folds on her. That means we're using the good ol' traditional cloth diapers! I have Gerber and Econobum for these, and I honestly prefer the cheap Gerber ones. They're perfect. The Econobum ones are rather bulky, but I do love the Econobum covers. 

Stella hates the pre-folds. Well, I shouldn't say she hates them. She hates peeing in them. I can see how they'd help a baby potty train quicker because she is PISSED - no pun intended - when she is wet. She flips out, and we can really feel how wet they are. It makes a huge difference. Here she is, kicking it in a pre-fold. I was calling her a diaper hipster:

I do a load of diapers about every other day or every day, depending on how she's pooping. She's a shitting machine. Stella has AT LEAST a shart with every diaper change and she poops a good, whopping poop about 2 times a day. I keep hoping she'll slow down soon since everyone says that breastfed babies poop less often. She also has a knack for peeing during a diaper change. We really hate it when that happens at night. 

As far as how she's progressing, she's doing well. We bought her some more toys - namely rattles and a play gym. The gym is great for tummy time, and she's getting really close to rolling over from front to back. She's SO close, but she seems to get really frustrated. 

She likes to bat the dangling toys. She seems to use her left hand more than her right.  

She can raise her head pretty well, nearly 90 degrees, and she definitely gets her chest off the ground for a few seconds. Here you can see her back in this picture. Derek and I always call her our little Shar-Pei :) 

Maggie likes to preside over playtime and feedings. I was telling Derek earlier that she's my "lactation consultant" since she hangs out with us so much during feedings. She's really become interested in Stella lately. Iggy still could not care less about Stella. 

Here she is in her crib. She sleeps in her crib a lot during the day. We probably won't try sleeping overnight in the crib until she's about 4 months old or so. I'm so proud of her that she slept in her bassinet last night! 

I was trying to peek to catch her being rotten!

Still using these magic things. Swaddling blankets are amazing. She hulks out of them a lot, though. This morning, I walked over to her bassinet and she had one arm swinging around. We think she looks like a loaf in them, haha.

She moves so much! She's such a little wiggle worm. You can see how blurry her hand is in this picture and she just worms around all over. 

She's very expressive. She's also making a lot of vowel sounds. We're always joking around saying, "Ay, ay" to each other since Stella seems to say that a lot. 

If you can't tell, she wears a diaper a lot since we do so many wardrobe changes - she had on 5 different outfits the other day! - and it gets really hot here. I get really cold, so I often turn our air off or way up to around 75 degrees. I think it makes Stella hot (I know it drives Derek crazy) so I let her hang out in a diaper to keep her from getting pissed. Anyway, I'll post more after her appointment on Wednesday and I'll definitely post some pictures from her baptism next Sunday. I'm really excited for Stella to meet her godparents, Emily and Marcus!