Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Thursday, June 2, 2011

2 month check up!

Wow - our little piglet is already 2 months old! She had her check up (and yucky vaccines) yesterday, and everything is great. Here she is, just before her appointment:

Her stats:

Weight: 11.5 lbs! Dr. DeMauro said, "What was her birth weight?" Derek and I replied together, "6-15." He said, "Well, the milk is agreeing with you!" 
Length: 22 1/4 inches. Dr. DeMauro said she's only in the 50th percentile or so, and he says she will likely be very petite. Derek and I looked at each other after he said that and said, "We didn't think she'd be very big!" and all of us were laughing. Derek is only 5'7" and I'm barely 5'3" - Stella will definitely be very small.
Head Circumference: 41 cm - Yep, she gets it from Daddy!

He said she's very healthy, and he's pleased with her progress. I asked them to check her eye, and Dr. DeMauro said it's very common and that it's not really anything worrisome until about 9-12 months. He said to keep doing warm compresses and massaging it. He advised to stop the antibiotic drops that Dr. Kreh gave us. 

She then got her vaccinations. She handled it very, very well. Obviously, she screamed like crazy, but the rest of the day, she was very sleepy. She kept giving me this sad little look like, "I don't feel well, Momma." It made Derek and me so sad. They told us to rub her thighs to help the pain, and when I tried after her bath, she flinched and acted like, "Get your damned hands off me!" so I stopped.

Dr. DeMauro said she'll likely start sleeping through the night when she's somewhere between 12-14 lbs. Derek and I were very excited to hear that since she's very close to that weight range. 

Before her appointment, we stopped in York Hall to see Daddy's desk. People were stopping to see her, and she got to meet the SCAD Pizza Fairy (Counselor Pat Mooney - one of my favorite SCAD people!) Bernie, who works at our front desk, said that she looks just like me. Now, I've heard that she looks exactly like me, she looks exactly like Derek, and that she's a blend. Derek and I were talking the other day, and he said, "I can see both of us. I think she looks like Stella." I think that's what I'll go with. She is a good blend of us both. I imagine people see me in her more because she's a little girl and wearing tons of pink. 

As far as her developmental progress, she's really amazing. She's SO close to flipping over, and I honestly blame the heavy cloth diapers for not having already done it. She is definitely raising her head up to 90 degrees and getting her chest up during tummy time. She smiles a lot, and she likes to mimic my faces. She can bring her hands together, and she can grasp things. She loves to swing around a wind chime that my coworker Alexis bought for her. I have to watch her really, really carefully with it, though, since she likes to "nom" things. Our favorite saying is, "Nom on Mom!" she spends most of her time nomming my shoulder or any other bare skin I have.  She's still an eating and shitting machine, eating about 10 times a day. She loves to look at her baby books since they're full of bright pictures. Her favorite is this one:

I think it's hilarious that this is her favorite. I imagine its red background and black and white contrast make it easy to see. She always smacks her lips and stares at it, and when I show it to her, she'll usually squeal in delight! 

Her other favorite toy right now is this one:

It plays music. It was a gift from her Aunt Maureen and Uncle Greg in Indiana. She loves it, and she usually hits it and knocks it over for sport. Derek likes to make remixes with it.... 

And speaking of cloth diapers... we tried a Fuzzibunz overnight last night, and when Derek went to do her 2am change, she had peed everywhere. It was all over her and in her bassinet. We had to change her clothes and swaddler, and then we moved her into our bed for the remainder of the night. In fact, she's still in our bed right now. I made a little fortress for her - inspired by Megan and Justin's sleeping compound for Truman (they shared an adorable photo on facebook of it!). 

We're so excited for this weekend. Stella's gown fits perfectly - we did a little fitting on Sunday - and I'm so excited for her to meet Emily and Marcus. Our friends Kerry and Chris will be at her baptism. They've become known as Aunt Kerry and Uncle Chris in our house! 

Anyway, I better run before the little piglet wakes up! I'm so proud of her for being so tough yesterday!