Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

14 Weeks Belly

I figured that since I hadn't uploaded a picture since my 8 week bloat belly, I thought it might be a good idea to finally take another. Here I am at 14 weeks:

Maybe now you will realize why I've had students say, "There are two in there!" However, one of my coworkers has the exact same due date as me, and we look identical. She and I are the same height and were about the same weight before our pregnancies, so it makes perfect sense. 

Derek took the day off from work today, and I came home to a fabulous new body pillow so I can hopefully get some sleep tonight. My tailbone has been really painful at night, and I'm wondering if it's because I haven't had anything between my legs to support my hips. My back also hurts a lot, and I keep thinking, "I don't even want to know what the third trimester is going to be like." I mean, I realize I was petite before I got pregnant, but this is ridiculous. Maybe the weight gain thus far has been a lot for my body to handle. I'm sure things will even out... right? 

To make things even more bizarre, my belly button is looking rather odd, and the other day Derek said, "I can see it starting to pop out." I panicked and said, "That's not supposed to happen for a while!!" Maybe my outtie belly button snobbery is finally catching up to me - (for years, I've told Derek that I think innie belly buttons are gross and dirty. I can see mine, so I know it's clean! haha). No offense to you innies, but we outties have to justify ourselves somehow!

Anyway, still no movement, but it's a little early for that. I don't really expect it for another 2-3 weeks. I do feel like a lot of pressure where things are growing, and for some danged reason, I'm still going to the restroom a lot. These dang websites keep telling me that eases up! Argh! When?! Please?!

As things have really progressed and I feel legit now, I'm really getting excited. Before, I would think about labor and get really nervous. I've been getting griped at by my nurse practitioner for wanting to do a natural birth, but the more I think about it, the more I really want to do it. I haven't totally decided, and once I do, I'll follow up with everyone. Any advice?

I'll just be happy to see our little bundle and know that he/she is ours. I'm really wondering what the baby will look like now, and I kind of hope that it has a bunch of hair at birth like I did. I had a total fro, and I think it looked awesome - haha. Either way, I know it'll be the most adorable baby in the world :) I mean, with a dad like Derek, it has to be cute :D 

My next appointment is on Monday, and I'll at least update again then with the most recent doctor news. :)

Until then, I'm off to go bake pumpkin bread and get ready for Modern Family! I love Wednesday nights!