Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Let's get this started...

Well, I suppose it's time to make this official, and by making it official, I mean starting a blog. Yes, we are expecting our first child in April 2011. Currently, our due date is set for April 10, 2010, but because I have wacky woman parts, it could fall anywhere between April 1 and April 10. I don't really get how that happens, and that's fine. 

We're currently at 8 weeks, and we're chugging along nicely - according to the doctor. We saw the heartbeat last week, and I am currently moody, fat, and hungry. From what I'm reading on all these sites, it's pretty normal to feel that way right about now. I don't think I've ever felt so fat... or hungry. And, I'm sure Derek would say that I've never been this moody. 

We look forward to sharing our adventure with you! If nothing else, you'll gain an appreciation for my sarcasm, even with matters as precious and wonderful as having a child