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Wednesday, September 1, 2010

The Bloat Belly

I figure the number one thing people care about during a pregnancy is the belly - right? It's cute and tells the entire world you're having a baby. Well, I don't actually have a belly yet, but we need a starting point. Today, my skirt didn't really fit, and I thought, "Okay. It's time." Right now, I'm just disgustingly bloated, so that was likely the culprit. I don't really want to miss the opportunity, though. Anyway, here you have our starting point:

8 weeks. I feel like I've gained about 20 pounds, but Derek insists that I haven't. Regardless, I'm not wearing that skirt anymore because I couldn't hardly breathe today. Maybe it's all the Easy Mac... 

I do think I may have already gained a couple pounds because of the lack of running. I still run, but it's a lot harder. After about 10 minutes, I poop out and just start walking. I really want to run as long as I can, and I'm sure I'll have more energy later. I walk a lot, and typically, I'm pretty good at watching what I eat (save the Easy Mac). Today was a bit of an exception: at work, we had cake and brownies for one of my coworkers, so that really tanked the diet.Then, Derek and I had cheese sandwiches for dinner because I've already packed up our pots and pans. Go me! Everyone loves ridiculous amounts of fat and convenience food! 

Well, I'm sure you're sick of me griping about food since that was the topic of the last post. I'll post another, heftier picture in a couple weeks. 


  1. I totally hear you on the bloat. Oh, and I ran a 5K pregnant (before I knew) and haven't run much at all since then. I just get so tired! I admire people who can run while pregnant, but it was too hard for me.

    Cute shoes, btw!

  2. Thanks! Yeah, it's really hard. Some mornings, I get up and get dressed, and it just doesn't happen. I've heard the bloating goes away just before you start showing. Did you think that was true?

  3. I really am enjoying your blog, Mindy and Derek! Oh, and on the hungry, tired and moody thingy...well, at least you have the pregnancy excuse. I haven't had that excuse for 27 years, what's my excuse now?
