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Saturday, December 25, 2010

Baby-themed Christmas Presents!

Merry Christmas, everyone! :) 

So this year is a very special year for us since we're expecting our daughter, but we know it doesn't even compare to next year when she's actually here. We keep talking about how we'll handle things when Stella gets here and just how absolutely different every Christmas will be from now, becoming more interesting year after year.

I had to take a second to post this because it's so funny that we both bought each other a baby-related item. I had told Derek I wanted a cute diaper bag, and in his search for one that I like, he found some by Diaper Dude. He sent me one that he liked, and I knew I had to get it for him since I KNEW mine would be super girly and pink. I figured he'd look rather funny carrying a really girly bag with a full sleeve of tattoos. 

So, I decided to get this diaper bag for Derek:

He says he really likes it! He said, "Do you think it's a big deal that she's a little girl - like I should have a girly bag because she's girly?" I told him I didn't think so. I figure this way he won't have to worry about looking like a big queen carrying the bag that he got for me:

See what I mean? It's a super girly, Vera Bradley diaper bag. I love it! I think it's super cute, and I think it goes well with my other Stella-related items :) I love how it's lined so if one of her bottles spills over, it's no big deal :D 

Now, we did get each other non-baby items, so we're not baby-obsessed. 

As for how things are going, everything is going really well. Stella has been VERY active! One thing that's rather odd: she's really active in the first half of the day, but she tires by the evening. She seems to be sleeping or only having light movements at night because she doesn't really wake me up anymore. I don't know if she's on the same schedule as me - which everyone told me they are usually awake when we're sleeping - but I'm very thankful that she's letting me get some sleep. 

Her kicks are so big anymore that I can see my stomach bounce with her movements. She's really strong! Derek is always amazed when he sees my stomach bopping around or when he's trying to feel her and she gives him a big jab :) 

One yucky symptom: I had to call the doctor the other day because I was starting to worry about these odd cramps I was having. When I talked to the nurse, she decided that they were harmless, round ligament pains and I need a support band for my enormous bump. Thankfully, my awesome coworker, Christine, had a support band handy (at her desk, no less!) and I didn't have to buy one. Working in a very fertile office is definitely paying off! :) It has helped, and I wore it the other day when I was working out. I was even able to run a little so that made me very happy. I make it about a quarter of mile and I have to stop, but when you do intervals that way, it's a good way to get a workout. 

Anyway, things are going very well - aside from the cramps - but the cramps are technically a good thing since it just means Stella needs more room! 

Lastly, we also want to say to our families that we're sorry we weren't able to visit for Thanksgiving or for Christmas. We both have to save our leave for April, and there was no time for leave. We hope to make it to Ohio for Thanksgiving next year, and it will be great because we'll be able to bring Stella with us! :) We love you all and hope everyone has a Merry Christmas!! 

1 comment:

  1. Merry Christmas, Mindy! I absolutely LOVE the diaper bags! And I'm glad you got a belly band. Those things really do help. :)
