Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Update on the Angry Baby

I only have time for a super fast update, but I can say that Derek, Stella, and I slept for a grand total of 7 hours last night! It was magic! Here's what we did:

Around 7pm: I pumped and fed her
Around 8pm: She was upset and crying. We laid her on her tummy and she repeatedly grunted and farted for a while. 
Around 9pm: I pumped and fed her
Around 9:30 pm: She wanted to nurse, so I let her nurse until she fell asleep
Around 10pm: She fell asleep
Around 11pm: She woke up. I pumped and fed her. She fell asleep.
Around 2am: She woke up hungry. Derek changed her while I pumped. Then, we fed her.
Around 3am: She's back to sleep!
Around 6:30 am: She's up and ready to eat. Derek changed her while I pumped. We fed her again.
Around 7am: She and I fall asleep while Derek plays chess.
At 9am: we all get out of bed. 

Magic! It's amazing what a difference that made! Now, to appreciate the difference, here's the previous night:

8pm: Stella screams
6am: Stella goes to bed.

Pretty much it.

So, I think the pumping makes sure she gets enough to eat and the nipple shield lets her nurse when she wants to nurse for comfort. Overall, we're all much happier today. She's now post-bath snoozing in her swing.

She did have a small fussy period from 8pm to 10pm, but I'm kinda thinking it's because I had some caffeine. Dr. DeMauro says that my diet doesn't affect her, but everything I'm reading says it does. I'm going to cut out caffeine today and see if it eliminates the night fussies. I don't mind a couple hours of fussiness - that's to be expected. Screaming throughout the night is not normal. I'm glad we resolved the issue pretty quickly.

Yay for happy babies! 

1 comment:

  1. Try cutting milk/dairy for four days just for giggles and see what happens. It's hard... I love milk... but what a difference it's made for us.

    P.S. I read your blog on my iPhone while pumping so let this be my all-inclusive apology for typos/automatic word selections in any of my comments. :)
