First, I'd like to start things off all cheery-like, and show what I've been up to this weekend. Since my next class with Ashford doesn't start until Jan. 4, I figured I had some down time to work on something fun. I fancy myself crafty, but I never have the time or patience to do anything.
I've had my eyes on some cute nursery letters on Etsy, but Derek convinced me that I could make my own. Well, here are the fruits of my labor:
Derek gets "Most Patient Dad" award for hanging them.
I was griping the entire time about how crooked they were.
A closer shot
I think they're pretty cute, and it let me incorporate the colors I wanted. I wouldn't say we're doing a theme - not fond of those - but I would say that we're at least in a color ballpark, unlike the rest of my house. Usually, I just get all crazy and colorful and go wild. What can I say, I like color. Well, we're sticking to sort of softer pinks - none of those crazy hot pinks - greens, browns, and soft blues. See what I mean? I can't just pin down one or two. I get crazy with it.
I think that's why I like patterns a lot. It's all crazy and patterned and wild with tons of colors. Makes me happy! I think they turned out really well, and Derek hung them on the wall in her room. I had been thinking about painting something, but I'm going to stop here. I don't want to go overboard, and I know have other decor items that I want to get/still need to hang up. Once the nursery is in a more put together state, I'll take some pictures.
Speaking of happy, Miss Stella was quite entertaining this morning. We went to the earlier mass - 7:15 - since the 9am mass is usually packed out the door. I was up anyway, so I figured we could go ahead and go. During the homily, she seemed to do what I think was rolling over or shifting, and she ended up morphing my stomach into this weird triangle shape. I could feel her just sitting there in this goofy looking lump in my stomach. I was totally distracted at that point and started kinda smiling and giggling because I felt like I could actually feel her. She was doing it again when Derek was hanging the letters, and he was able to feel her. :)
Now, on to my complaining... it's unlike me to be too positive for too long, right?
In the past couple days, I've had a lot of people saying things like, "Wow, you're huge." One of my coworkers said, "I wonder why you're so much bigger than Maria (who works in the Registrar's office and we have the exact same due date)." Last night at a cookie swap, I had one person say, "You're enormous! I thought you were maybe due in February or something." There was another pregnant chick there and she is due in March, and I dwarfed her. It was actually embarrassing...
To top it off, the priest who served mass this morning said, "Wow, any day now!" I was like, "heh." I can't even find sanctuary there! :( All things considered, he wasn't Fr. MacNeil - our usual priest at the 9am mass. Oh well... I'm sure he wouldn't have said it if he knew I'd be griping about it on a blog right now. :(
So WTF is up?! Why am I so damned large? I swear, I don't think I'm doing anything wrong. I eat healthy stuff, and I'm even trying to conform to this stupid nurse's "low carb" mentality (even though I hate meat!). When I go to my doctor's appointments, the doctor says my fundal height is perfect, and I'm exactly where I should be weight-wise. Derek even thinks I don't eat any more than I ever did, except for the occasional snack or 3am cottage cheese run. So what in the hell is going on? Why am I a freaking whale?
Sigh... I know none of you can really answer this. I don't think anyone can. It's some combination of genes, frame-size, weight, and, honestly, bad luck. I had always figured it was because I'm a mere 5'2" but everyone keeps telling me that doesn't matter. I know my mom said she was pretty large when she had me, so maybe I'm to blame her (sorry, Mom). Maybe I was a little too hefty before I got pregnant. Although, I didn't think I was at the time. It's a world of ifs, kids.
Anyway! Things are going well, aside from the occasional remark about my preposterous size. I feel good, and my heartburn has disappeared for a couple days thanks to the Protonix. I have been making a point to eat protein-heavy dinners, and I haven't been waking up every night needing to eat. I even stayed up until almost 11 last night working on Stella's letters. Overall, things are going well!
I can't believe it's almost Christmas and our anniversary! I'm looking forward to the long weekend with my awesome husband who listens to me cry over and over and pretty much exhausts himself telling me that he thinks I look great :)
Oh, and to finish things out - we bought a papaya at the grocery store and had it for breakfast. Kinda weird, I know, but man, it was tasty (and huge - like me!).