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Sunday, April 24, 2011

3 weeks old, Easter, and a medley of other topics

Our little snugglebunches is officially three weeks old, and she's changed so much in such a short amount of time. One of the biggest differences is her size - she's so much heavier! 

We received a very kind gift from one my mom's friends  - a gift card to Wal-Mart - so we decided to order an infant scale to keep track of Stella's weight gain. I'm certain she's over 8 lbs right now, but not by how much. As soon as our scale arrives, I'll update everyone. She's such a piglet! When we took her for her 2 week check up with Dr. DeMauro, he asked, "Have you been supplementing?" We said no and that she nurses and I pump. I guess she's gaining a lot for where she's at. As for the supplementing, we've had to do that a couple occasions since then.

One night, she just kept eating and getting pissed off, and we couldn't figure out why. I tried pumping thinking she wasn't getting any milk, and I was totally empty. She was starving, and I didn't know what else to do. We gave her some of the hospital-grade formula, and I was really upset about it. I don't want her to take formula, but I figured I needed to get over it because she was hungry. We had to do it again last night because she did that again. I don't know if it's my supply or just maybe her appetite, but it's really upsetting when it happens. 

I feel like a terrible mother for not being able to give her the food she needs, but Derek's always the practical one and talks me out of being upset. It's only happened a couple times, and I'm hoping that we can get through some of this clusterfeeding and she'll even out. I hate it that it has happened, though. Really makes me hate myself.

Anyway, on to positive news! I am now running again! Woo hoo! I know this is Stella's blog, but I have to say that I've been running again and I'm very happy about it. Now, I'm not fast, but hey, I hadn't ran since I was 20 weeks pregnant. I had a baby three weeks ago, so go me. haha! 

On to Easter: now, we didn't go to mass today. I know - holy day of obligation - but I didn't feel comfortable taking Stella to a packed church and having her around a bunch of old people who sneeze and cough repeatedly through mass. We decided to stay home and introduce her to church when it's a little calmer. Easter is a busy day, and our church is packed every weekend so I don't want to know what mass was like this morning. Probably standing room only. Either way, sorry for no Easter dress pictures and all that. I want to keep her away from crowds to keep her healthy. 

And finally, we'll end with some pictures. She's grunting - meaning she's waking up - so I need to make this snappy. Here are some fun pictures of her yesterday:

She's getting very expressive and we've wondered if she's smiled for real on a couple occasions. She's always doing something cute with Derek. Although, this morning he was changing her and she pooped all over him. Oh, and she peed on him on the other day when he was bathing her... so almost always doing something cute. ;) 


  1. You guys are doing great with Stella! She looks so healthy and happy. Keep it up. Precious pictures.

  2. She gets prettier every day, I am seeing some of you in her as she gets bigger MJ. Love you all!

