Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

More baby orders

I feel like I'm blogging a lot these days. I guess because Derek is spending a lot of time on homework and assignments and I'm between my grading in PHI 103. I decided to take a couple more pictures to demonstrate the sheer size of my belly these days.

This is me just after work today. As you can see, I look like I have a torpedo belly or maybe I'm smuggling a soccer ball. I thought I should add another picture just because of how awful and tired I looked yesterday. I'll be honest, it was probably that I didn't take my iron over the weekend (yes, I know) and I hadn't had a lot of water from being so busy. 

Today, I managed to get down 100 fl oz, or 4 helpings of my stay-at-work water bottle. I think drinking more water helps with the tiredness and with the Braxton-Hicks contractions. I didn't have any today, and I really feel pretty good. I had been considering visiting the gym if I wake up feeling this well. 

Here's another shot: 

Here, you can see my tummy a little better without the sweater. I thought, too, that wearing something tighter would help demonstrate my girth. :)

Enough about me - this is Stella's blog. I ordered her a few things today - namely some gDiapers. My former coworker and friend Jessica (who is now in the hospital, nearly ready to deliver her twins) sent me a coupon for I ordered Stella two in this color and one in this color . I also ordered some of the biodegradable inserts. I figure they'll come in handy at first when she's going through a lot of diapers and we aren't ready for doing laundry 2-3 times a day.  

I also ordered some things for myself today. I always feel bad about doing that, but I know I need some clothes to make it through these final weeks. I ordered this dress:

I really liked it and I ordered another pair of black pants and a shirt for work. I thought maybe the dress could be a good option for our maternity photos since we're currently planning to take half of the pictures at Hilton Head beach and the other half at our house. I'm really excited about doing it, and I know Liza will do a great job. Let's just hope I don't get any more puffy or swollen looking over the next 3 weeks!

Anyway, I figured I needed to balance a really negative post with a much more positive one today. I slept well last night and I feel really good today. Stella has been really active, and earlier, we were watching a movie and we both got distracted for a minute because she was kicking like crazy. It's so funny to watch Derek with his hand on my tummy. He'll poke and she'll kick back. He thinks it's "scary" how she can kick back. Of course, he means like startling, and his face always lights up and gets this goofy look on it. :) 

Enough! I'll post again on Monday after my appointment! :)