Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Switching Up the Game Plan

This post must be quick since I have a ton of grading to finish tonight, but I had to take a second to update everyone on something.

Well, you remember how I said we wouldn't find out the gender of the baby... ?

The other day I was talking to Derek, and I told him how upset I've been since I haven't had any idea of what to expect. I told him I really wanted to know, and I even went to so far to call the doctor's office about finding out. I thought maybe they had it documented, and when the assistant said it was only documented that the baby's gender is "normal," I started crying out of frustration.

She said I could do a gender scan, and that would be the only way I could find out before my next ultrasound at 36 weeks. So in an act of desperation, I scheduled a gender scan for Monday at 11:30 am. 

I know, I know... I've been so worried that everyone will judge me for not having a stronger will. If you know me at all, you know I'm impulsive and capricious, and that's just the problem here. I've been shopping for gender neutral clothing, and I can't find anything that isn't covered in puke yellow ducks. I have some OSU stuff, but like I told Derek, I can't have our baby wearing pukey ducks and OSU stuff for the first 3 months of his or her life. 

So my impatience has gotten the best of me. I had really wanted for it to be a surprise, but I can't do this for another 18 weeks. It's driving me crazy, and I have to know. 

I think that since Derek and I finalized our names (around 19 weeks), I've wanted to know: are you Harry or Stella? Every time the baby moves (which is a lot anymore), I just wonder who this is moving around. Maybe I'm weak willed. Maybe I'm being a total princess about shopping. Maybe I'm just impatient. Whatever it is, I need to know. It's driving me absolutely insane, and I can't take it anymore. 

Derek is totally fine with finding out. I think because I've been crying and bitching and complaining since our 19 week ultrasound. I imagine he's sick of the drama. Regardless, I need to get to grading, but I figured this needed to be out there.

You can leave your judgments here. I know - I'm a big drama queen and I have to know what's going on. You can say whatever you want.