Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Monday, November 15, 2010

Yay! Halfway There Appointment!

Today's appointment was great! I'll write more after I post the pictures since I'm sure that's what most of you want to see. Baby Ratcliff was very active, and the ultrasound was absolutely amazing! We didn't see the plumbing, but that's the way we asked for it :)

Here you can see the baby's profile:

The baby had been moving its mouth around a lot! It was so cute to watch! 

Here is the baby's nose:

If you look closely near that black blob, you'll see a teeny little nose and mouth. 

Here is a shot of the baby's fingers. It's reaching over its head and you can see the little fingers just poking out:

Here you can see the baby's foot really clearly:

and again:

Here is the baby's arm. The baby kinda waved at us during the ultrasound!

Here is another shot of the baby's face:

It was so hilarious to see the baby moving its mouth around and flinging its arms. When I feel the baby move (which is a lot any more!), I always wonder what in the world he/she could be doing. I read that when you feel movement at this stage, it's the baby flipping around. I think our baby loves hopping around in there!

As for the rest of the appointment, everything went great. I got some topical medication for my face and she said everything is good. Here's the kicker: I have actually lost a couple pounds since my last appointment! I'm up by 7 pounds! I'm very happy about that. Derek and I went and celebrated with some super fattening Mexican food afterward! 

Here's how I'm looking these days:

Plump, yes. I would say I look particularly tired today because I worked until midnight last night, so I didn't sleep much. Maybe I'll take another in a couple days when I don't look so exhausted.

As he already said in his latest blog posting, Derek doesn't look any worse for the wear:

He's all jazzed up here since he's getting ready to go play for Team Zissou. You'll notice he's got an effed up eye - that's from getting hit with a ball in the face! I keep telling him it looks like he's wearing guyliner on one eye :)

Overall, everything is good! The baby is healthy - the heart, spine, brain, major bones, kidneys - all checked out. I go back on December 13 for my next appointment! Yay! We're cruising along!