She's definitely getting chunkier and she's now wearing 0-3 months clothing. She's wearing size 1 diapers finally, and we're transitioning to cloth diapers/hybrid diapers. We have to be careful with those since she often has blow outs in them. They aren't really well designed for gooey poop, so we try to use them for a while until she gets poop everywhere. Once her pooping slow downs and eventually becomes more solid, we'll be money with those.
Derek and I both swear that she seems like she has for real smiled on a couple occasions. We do something - like Derek likes to say "blop!" in a high pitched voice and touch her nose - and she starts making this funny face at us. Maybe we're reading too much into it. It's super cute regardless :)
We're doing well overall. We visited Derek at work and we went upstairs to visit my office. She did great until it was time to leave and she decided she didn't want to be in her car seat anymore. She now officially hates her car seat and hates her swing. She actually likes her bouncy chair now, and she loves cruising around with Mom or Dad in the Moby Wrap or sling. She's actually in the sling asleep as I'm typing...
She does about 10 feedings a day, and she's still clusterfeeding in the evenings. We're exclusively using the nipple shield now and no longer pumping. I may pump before I run this weekend, just for my own comfort.
Things are going great, and she has her fussy moments but what 4 week old baby doesn't? Derek and I both think she's very alert. I read to her and I sing to her a lot. I like to play Fleet Foxes for her, and she seems to really like it. :) Truly my daughter...
We may try going to mass this weekend since it won't be crazy busy like Easter. I'm not sure, though, since we'll need to see how her mood is. Derek is back to work full-time now, and we miss him a lot during the day. I like to send pictures of her doing something cute to his work email ;) Anyway, I better go finish up this laundry while she's still sleeping. I'll end with some fun pictures of her :)
This is one of my favorite shirts!
I think she looks a lot like Derek here :)
Actually using the bouncy chair! I was so happy! Usually she screams as soon as I put her in it.
Oh, and we owe a big shout out thank you to The Gemperlines in Indiana - thank you for the gifts! - and The Gemperlines in Lancaster - thank you SO much for the cloth diapers!! :) And my super sweet friend Jessica sent us a bonnet for Stella's baptism - so sweet - thank you so much! :)