The Appointment
Well, I went for my second OB appointment, and I expected it to be pretty routine. I got to actually meet my doctor, Dr. Helmken, and she seems super nice. Anyway, she and I are having a chat about symptoms and my uterus and all that exciting jazz, and then she says, "Well, let's listen to the heartbeat." I'm like, "Wait! What?" I didn't know they had a handy device that you could just pop up next to your stomach and listen in. I was too excited!
Well, she sticks said device to my stomach, and, lo and behold, there's the heartbeat! Baby Ratcliff's heartbeat was going at a rate of about 171 beats per second, and I, of course, say, "That's normal, right?" This entire pregnancy has been one series of amazements. At first, I didn't even think I was actually pregnant, "That's too easy - right?" Then, I thought, "This can't be true," and it was. Now, it's like I get to hear the baby's heartbeat! This is too freaking exciting! :D :D
In the middle of my excitement, there was this weird wooshy noise, and she said, "That's movement." And then it happened again! I was so geeked out. Can I get one of these so I can just sit on my couch and listen in to the little guy? I mean, I didn't want to stop! It was just amazing!
No - seriously - can I buy one of those?
Oh, and here's the icing on the cake (literally) - I have only gained 1 lb. ONE POUND! Woohoo! I'm celebrating with leftover cake tonight... You have no idea how happy that made me!
The Saga Continues...
I scheduled my next appointment for October 18th. I'll be 15 weeks, so no ultrasound. She told me to schedule the gender scan for 16 weeks, so I had to schedule another, shorter appointment on October 25th. A couple people in my office did the gender scan, but I keep worrying that it's silly and I should just wait for 19 weeks. I really want to know, though. I guess I'm a sucker.
In short, the next big countdown is Oct 25th. I can't wait. I'm convinced it's a boy, but I don't care one way or the other. I do think it would be so exciting to have a girl. Girl names are so easy for me. Boy names are not. We've really struggled to find one we like. Either way, Little Kid Ratcliff will be out in the yard with Derek and me playing soccer and watching football, so I guess a boy suits us... we'll just see. And, a big shout out to Lindsay and Neil who just found out they're having a girl! Even if I do have a boy, I can still buy cute, pink, girly things for Baby Miller! :)
Like I said, I just want Baby Ratcliff to be healthy, and October 25th can't get here soon enough so I can start nursery shopping :D