So here are some pictures:
This is a shot of our crib. We wanted to see if we liked the bedding. We're really happy with it so far.
Here's a picture (albeit fuzzy) of the changing table. I put that together! Go me! :D Let's just hope it doesn't fall apart when we're changing the baby one day... yikes!
Here's the dresser. You can see the curtains we have up in there for now. We're planning to get some green curtains that are thicker.
Here's Maggie. She thinks this her room...
I said I'd post a picture of me after I didn't look so dead tired. Well, I still look tired, but I'm wearing tighter clothes. Usually, I'll take pictures after work or something so I don't look slouchy. On most weekends, I wear yoga pants and t shirts. I've been getting really hot lately, so tank tops have been my friend.
As far as symptoms go, I feel okay. I have heartburn (typical) and I get tired. Last night, I didn't sleep well at all. I went and ran at the fitness center last night while Derek was watching football, and I woke up around 2 whining and complaining that my entire body hurt. I hadn't been running on a treadmill, or regularly for that matter, so I think my body wasn't ready for it. I had to take a Tylenol. That really sucked. I'm going to stick with the elliptical from here on out.
I haven't said much about cravings lately. Mostly, I've craved cranberries. Maybe it's because it's Thanksgiving and one of my favorite things to eat - cranberry relish - is loaded with cranberries. I eat Craisins, and I even eat jellied cranberry sauce (usually, I hate this stuff, but it's a good quick fix). Right now, I'm craving eggs, and I think that's what I'll have for lunch - perhaps an egg sandwich or hard-boiled eggs.
My face has cleared up a lot with this topical stuff my doctor gave me. It's made a huge difference. It's not perfect, but I'm not embarrassed of my face anymore. I actually feel okay not wearing make up out in public which is something I REALLY missed. I hate make up. I always feel so gaudy wearing it.
One new symptom: This morning at Mass, I felt terrible. It was really warm in the Church, and I was having trouble kneeling and standing up. I told Derek that I thought I was going to pass out. It was awful. As soon as I got outside, I felt better. This happened another time, too. The other day I was driving home from work, and all of a sudden, I had to stop the car because I told Derek I was seeing stars and I was convinced I was going to pass out driving. I felt better once I got in the passenger seat, but man, that was scary. I'm not that worried about it because on both of these occasions, I've either felt really, really hot or was wearing constricting clothing - or both. I wore tights that day, and I've decided to not do that anymore unless absolutely necessary. I think my belly has become too big to be comfortable in anything tight. So, sorry, BellaBand, you're now being relegated to depths of my closet. :(
And speaking of large bellies, I think it's amazing that Baby Ratcliff is the size of a cantaloupe! I believe it by the looks of my tummy! :)
Welp, I better get back to helping Derek with the household prep for Thanksgiving! We're trying to get our house in order before Mom gets here!! :)