Anyway, things are going pretty well. I've had a heck of a time sleeping :(
I know I shouldn't be having problems like this already, but I have to sleep on my left side. Apparently, it's the best way to be sure our baby gets the best blood flow from my heart. I had surgery on my ears twice, and now, if I lay on one side of my head (which is why I typically sleep on my stomach), I end up with terrible pain in my ears. Every night, I wake up with a horrible ache, and I have to lay on my right side until it calms down.
I talked to my nurse practitioner about it, and she recommended one of those doughnut-shaped pillows that people use when they're traveling. That way, my ear would be where the hole is and I wouldn't have to worry about my ear hurting. I plan to invest in one of these very soon.
Already, we have added a body pillow and 2 more pillows to our bed. Four of them are for my use, and one is for Derek. :( I'm honestly very worried what the third trimester is going to look like for me.
One big symptom I'm already having that's new is my feet have already started swelling. It's way too soon for this! I mean, I thought people didn't swell until their eighth and ninth months, but apparently, I'm already getting it. It's very mild, but I do notice it. Today, I had to swap out my shoes for flip flops because my shoes had become uncomfortable. I honestly think it has something to do with my water intake. Registration walk-ins make it very hard to find time to drink enough water, and I end up way dehydrated.
Aside from that, I honestly feel alright. I looked in the mirror today, and I swear I think my belly is getting bigger daily. Still no definitive movement yet, although I've had a couple suspect moments. It all could've been tummy issues, so I'm still waiting.
If we had stuck to the original plan, we would've found out on Monday what we're having. For a few seconds, I really do wish I knew, but I know I'll be happy I did this at the end. We're still working on names, and we have a good list so far. Like I said before, we plan to make short lists for both genders and just pick one of the names when finally see the baby. Once we finalize the lists, we'll share them. :)