Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Hello, Third Trimester!

Finally! It's here! The last stretch! 

It doesn't make much sense to me that for over a week I've had less than 90 days to go but I wasn't "technically" in my third trimester. Whatever - here I am!

And oh my goodness does this feel like the third trimester. Lately, I've been getting some vicious kicks and punches, and I think she's been using the right side of my rib cage as a pillow on occasion. I wasn't totally ready for that. 

Stella is laying in a "transverse" position which looks something like this:

Unlike this baby, though, Miss Stella has her feet pointing outward toward my belly button (remember that crazy triangle-type shape she likes to make?). Sometimes, I imagine her stretching out completely, kinda like Maggie's signature stretch:

Or maybe she's taking after her mother and doing yoga, i.e. Paripurna Navasana or "boat pose":

Either way, it's hilarious when it happens. This morning, Derek looked at my stomach and went, "Woah.." You could feel her feet pushing against my skin. I never imagined a month or two ago that she'd be making me this uncomfortable at times. Physically, I feel okay, and my desk was lowered (to an almost ridiculously low position) at work to reduce the swelling of my feet. It helps a lot. I haven't been sleeping much. I'm usually awake between the hours of 2-4 which makes early morning workouts nearly impossible because I've just fallen back asleep by the time the alarm goes off to get up. I've been rather "lazy," in my opinion, lately since I haven't been hitting the gym as often, but since my weight is good and I still make time to stretch and do yoga poses, I won't beat myself up too much about it. I need sleep. 

Oh, and I should add this tidbit of information - I got a call from my doctor's office. No, it's not that - the glucose is fine. It's my hemoglobin. I guess I'm terribly anemic again - argh! - and I have to be on a prescription iron supplement and was given orders to eat beef, yuck. I'm used to this, and honestly, I usually ignore it. Since I'm concerned about Stella and our well-being during labor and delivery, I have to heed their advice. At the store yesterday, I felt as though I was on a beef-buying frenzy. I bought a "meat lovers" pizza, meatloaf, and some meaty lasagna. It was pretty ridiculous.

The prescription I have to take is really odd. It works like birth control in some ways. For 21 days, I take one kind of pill and then for 7 I take another that helps with absorption. They smell funny, and I swear, they are so large that I think they were intended for larger mammals. If I have to take it for our baby girl, then well, I'll do it. Me and my iron issues... sigh.

Things seem to be going just fine otherwise, and I'll post another belly picture soon. Derek was sick that night, and I didn't even want him bothering with the picture. He insisted, though, and, well, you saw the results. He was coughing and shaky from medicine, so the pictures were total crap. I'll take another really soon and I'll try and wear slimmer clothing, too. 

Oh, and speaking of photos: I'm happy that I've started making the arrangements for our maternity photos! I'm very fortunate to have  Liza Crowley Judson as a friend, and she's going to shoot our photos in late February. Liza is an awesome local artist in Savannah, and I've purchased some of her work - it's my favorite art in our house. I love it! :) She's awesome, and I'm really looking forward to it! I imagine I'll be REALLY enormous by then!

Welp, I'm going to get back to enjoying my three day weekend with Derek, watching Lost repeatedly and eating puppy chow (yay for passing the glucose test!) :D 

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