Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Gettin' the baby deals!

We've recently made quite a few purchases for Stella, so I thought I'd share them.

Here's the first recent purchase:

If you remember, I bought another one of these for the nursery a couple months ago. I liked it so much, I thought I'd add another one to make it like a set. I wanted to get some more pink in Stella's room, and I really loved this one. It's from an Etsy store called Maple Shade Kids, and the woman who makes everything uses all-natural products and a tree is planted in honor of every purchase. I totally recommend it! 

On to more practical things :) 

I just got a sweet deal on a high chair. I had been planning to put this purchase off, but when I saw I could get one for the low, low price of fifty bucks, I went for it. Most of the ones I've looked at are around 80-120 dollars, and my co-worker recommended one that's $230 - you know, those crazy Stokke ones? Here's the one we ordered:

It's not pink and fabulous like most of Stella's things, but this will fit in nicely near our bar between our great room and the kitchen. We usually eat dinner there anyway, and it will be perfect. The best part of it is that if we want to attach it to our dining room chairs like this: 

We can. It'll be nice to have both features in a single high chair. It also becomes a booster seat for when she's older. Very happy with it! 

Now, I need to give mad props to my Mom and Mother-in-Law. My Mother-in-Law is purchasing our breast pump - thank you, Kathi! - as our baby shower gift. I'm so thankful for that! My Mom has offered to purchase a swing for Stella, and I'm also very, very thankful for that. I had one in mind, and Mom told me to go ahead and order it. Here's the one I picked:

I think it's absolutely adorable, and it lights up! I love it! 

I'm so thankful for both of them doing everything they've done. They're both hosting our Portsmouth baby shower next weekend, and I think it's so sweet that they're doing this for us. Then, they're going to drive down with everything on February 18th. I'm very excited for both of them to visit, and I'm so thankful. Derek and I didn't expect family to buy anything for us, save a few clothing items, so this is a huge treat. I've already had several inquiries about "good gift ideas" from our families, and that's also very sweet - we love you all so much! 

I need to get to errands! Derek and I have a lot to do this weekend! :) I'll post again soon, and I need to take another belly picture. I swear, I look like I'm about to pop! 

1 comment:

  1. That artwork is SO CUTE! I absolutely love it. I'm so glad you are getting some of the bigger stuff out of the way. Good job grandmas!
