Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Movement and more movement and other baby news

I figured I should go ahead and write another post since yesterday's was so short. It had to be since Derek and I didn't get home until nearly 9 last night! It was fun helping at the swim meet, and we got free t-shirts! Oh, and the Men's team A won in the 400 medley finals, so that was awesome! :) 

Anyway, we actually had a first last night: the baby woke me up because of its movements. The movements right now aren't painful or anything (as I'm sure they'll be in a few weeks), but they are enough that I'll be dreaming about something and then all of sudden the baby's movements appear in my dream. The next thing I know, I wake up and the baby is going bonkers. 

Last night, I dreamed I was talking to someone (I have no idea who now) and I said, "Hey, the baby is moving! Do you want to feel it?" And then, I woke up to the baby having a party down there. It was 3 am. I laid there for a minute, and it kept the antics up. I decided to use the opportunity for a nighttime restroom break. By the time I got settled back in bed, I was hungry. I was like, "This is hopeless." I got up and made a bowl of cereal and ate on the couch. 

I laid back down, and then I had a hard time falling asleep. It was around 4:45am before I was snoozing again. 

I'm fully expecting this sort of thing to get much more intense in the coming weeks. The baby is getting so much bigger and these movements are really getting crazy. Derek has seen the baby make my stomach bounce! In fact, the baby has been all jazzed up while I've been typing this. 

I honestly love it because it reminds me that the baby is there and everything seems to be okay. However, a couple times the baby has ended up on my bladder somehow and decided to repeatedly stomp. It was like, "Oh, I gotta pee. No, I don't. Oh, I gotta pee. No, I don't." It was bizarre!

In unrelated news, we received our travel system yesterday! Yay! I put it together this morning while Derek worked on homework. It's fantastic. I'm really pleased with how it looks and how it works. It's very light and easy to pop open with one hand. I looked for that function thanks to my super savvy coworker, Christine. I am extremely pleased with it so far, but we'll see once the baby gets here since that's when it really matters. 

What we have left to buy at this point:
1) Pack and Play
2) Jogger
3) Highchair
4) Glider
5) Lots of cloth diapers (we have 0 at this point! yikes!) 
6) A light for the nursery 

Now, that's the big stuff. I never dreamed we'd have to buy so much stuff for the arrival of someone who plans to eat my from my boob and weigh under 10 lbs. Hilarious way of thinking about it, huh? 

I think the next purchase will be either the glider or the pack and play since those are more immediate. Then, we'll do the diapers. I figure we can even buy the jogger and highchair after the baby arrives, so I'm less worried about those. The light seems silly, but there's no overhead light in the nursery. We'll need a good floor lamp for plenty of light, and I hope to find a solid one with a dimmer function - also per Christine's handy recommendations! 

I think things are coming along well. I'm ready for Monday to be here! I cannot wait to find out who this is kicking around :) I'm thinking that if it's a boy - Harry - then we'll need to add some more boyish stuff to the nursery to man it up for him. Maybe add some soccer balls or something. If it's a little lady - Stella - then we'll need to get some bright colors in there. 

Regardless, I think I would like to paint a picture to hang in the baby's room so he/she will have it and know that I painted it for him/her. I'd like to start on this after we have a better idea of our needed colors and content. I plan for it to be abstract, and I'd like to buy a large canvas for it. I'd like to add some words - maybe - but we'll see. 

Anyway, I'm so excited for Monday!! I know Derek's office is wishing a big jinx upon us, "I hope the baby's legs are closed and they can't tell!!" As for us, we're hoping this baby isn't modest at all and shows us the goods :) I'll post after we know! I can't wait! 

1 comment:

  1. Very nice reading today. Hooray for movement and more movement and I also hope "this baby isn't modest at all and shows us the goods". Love to all.

