Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Nursery Furniture and other rantings

So, we finally have exciting news! 

Derek and I ordered our nursery furniture the other day, and I hope it will be here very soon. We decided to go with a dark brown. I think it was described as "coffee." We ordered the crib, changing table, and a chest of drawers for the baby's things. 

The crib is convertible, and it will eventually make a larger bed for Little Kid Ratcliff. That makes us very happy because it saves us money in the long run. 

I'm very excited! After we put everything together, we'll take pictures and post them :) 

Things are going well otherwise. I'm almost 90% sure we're in the midst of a growth spurt right now. I've had a lot of stretching pain, and sometimes, it's so intense I double over for a second. Lots of stretching and lots of pain that shoots down my hips. I guess this is that new fangled "round ligament pain" I heard so much about.  My weight has been pretty stable, and I think I've gained about a pound this week. I've been weighing myself every day to try and stay on top of it. Overall, I've gained about 10 lbs - that includes the pre-weigh in, lack of running weight gain, too. 10 lbs isn't that bad. 

Another indicator that we're in the middle of a growth spurt is that last Saturday I was bragging about how great I felt and I ran for forty minutes. I tried running on Tuesday, and that failed miserably. I thought, "Maybe I'm just tired." Well, I tried again on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, and all of those days ended in about 10 minutes of running and walking for the remainder of the workout. All of this round ligament pain makes it very hard to run. I had read on Runner's World that it's a good idea to get a Bella Band or a support band to wear when you run so the pain doesn't stop you. I think I'm going to try and pick one of those up today. 

I've been hitting the Wii Fit a lot. Makes me feel like a total weenie. I always just did the balance games for fun, but now, I'm actually doing the little lame workouts just to keep myself from blimping up. And I'm sorry, but that yoga is not yoga. Just for the record. 

Other symptoms have included more pregnancy acne. One of my coworkers recommended seeing a dermatologist since there are things you can take. I've seriously been considering it. I'm able to cover it up, but it just makes me feel mega ugly. Derek says it's not that bad and he doesn't even notice it. That's all that really matters :)

I've had a  few more suspect moments when I thought I could feel the baby move. I'm not sure, though. Apparently, you can have twinges in your stomach when your uterus is growing, so I'm not quite calling it movement yet. It could be a number of things: gas; uterus twinges; food digesting. In about 2 more weeks, I'll be 100% sure.

And speaking of being mega ugly, I'm going to a hair appointment today. That may sound like, "What? that's not a big deal." I do not cut my hair. Ever. For any reason. After the fiasco of April 2008 when that skank heifer cut all of my hair off at Fort Stewart, I've been skiddish of salons since. Today, I've decided that I will go and let someone trim my hair and possibly add "shape" to it. Whatever that means. I just want to wear it in a ponytail. I can't stand having a bunch of hair bouncing all over the place when I'm trying to run, or do anything constructive for that matter. I guess how this relates to Baby Ratcliff is that I'm really worried about having hair that will not be easy to wear after he/she gets here. I sound like my hair is low maintenance, but I spend a lot of time straightening it. I'm hoping that maybe the trim/shaping b-s they do will cut some of the nappy out and I won't have to devote so much time to flat ironing it. 

I'm definitely wearing a lot of maternity clothes at this point. It's not entirely maternity, but I'm sticking to either maternity pants or stretchy skirts I had before I got pregnant. I wear a lot of dresses because they're most comfortable. It hasn't been cool enough for tights yet, but I'm looking forward to that. I'd like to find some good boots, but I can't find any that I like for less than 300 dollars. With all this I hear about feet growing (and God forbid that happens to me with my size ten Fred Flintstone feet), I'm not paying a lot of money for boots and then not have them fit. 

Anyway, this is turning into something about me, and I don't want it to be. We'll post pictures of snazzy nursery furniture when we (I mean Derek) get it together. We're going to shop a little in Savannah today after my hair appointment, so we may pick up a few more things for Baby Ratcliff while we're out. I can't believe tomorrow is week 17! :) We're almost half way there!! 

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