Here we are at 31 weeks. It seems like forever to go still and I'm feeling more enormous every day. Only a handful of Derek's shirts fit me, and I had been able to sneak in the occasional non-maternity shirt/dress here and there, but not anymore. I'm as big as a walrus.
We had our "Prepared Childbirth" class yesterday. It was all day long, and I think it was a really good chance for us to learn about labor and delivery, and well, a little about each other.
We learned about different sorts of interventions, medications, breathing, and labor positions. Now, I'm going to say this and I am absolutely 100% sincere: I have absolutely no intention of getting an epidural. I had been saying it for months, but after watching exactly what an epidural is and getting to hold a "dummy" epidural - no, thank you. I know everyone says that the pain is so bad that I'll want one and blah blah blah - no. No, I won't. All I have to do is think back to that f^%*ing catheter sticking out of my back and I will have no problem enduring whatever is thrown at me.
Now, I'm not one of those people who plans to hire a doula and water births and all that hokey stuff. I'm just not interested in getting anything shoved into my back unnecessarily. I had been saying for a while that I wanted to do a natural child birth for a lot of reasons. I think it's better for me since I'll really be able to feel the need to push. Epidurals don't harm the baby in any way, so that's got nothing to do with it. I don't really want to lose control of the lower half of my body.
Now, I'm sure everyone will think I'm a religious fanatic for saying this, but one of reasons lies in Genesis 3:16 - "To the woman he said, 'I will greatly multiply your pain in childbearing; in pain you shall bring forth children..."' Now, I realize that if you get a headache, you're going to take a Tylenol - right? But for some reason, in my most recent reading of this I felt this sense of obligation to accept whatever it is that God has in store for me and to see if I could actually do it. Almost like a duty - does that make sense?
Now, I'm also not going to be one of those people who avoid C-sections at all costs. I think that we do have modern science for a reason (almost seems contradictory to my last claim, but it will make sense here in a second, I promise). I think that if there's anything we can do to protect Stella and myself, then we should do that. Ultimately, my position is this: I want to try and do this on my own if possible since I think that's the most natural thing a woman can do - labor is not a medical procedure but rather a very natural thing that our bodies have been doing for as long as humans have existed. I do think, though, that if a medical procedure (C-section) is needed to intervene to protect us both, then I should accept that - just like taking my Tylenol when I get a headache - get it?
Okay, now that I've weirded you out and I'm sure you think I'm a borderline religious fanatic, I can continue discussing the rest of the class. :)
We took a tour of the labor and delivery rooms and the mother-baby units. That was great because now I feel like I can actually visualize our future adventure and get a feeling for what it's going to be like.
I think my favorite part of yesterday was when the instructor was explaining contractions and what to check for when your water breaks, Derek starts taking notes. I don't think anyone else in the class was taking notes (I definitely wasn't) and he starts drawing a chart of how to track the contractions. It made me feel a lot better about signing up for the class and dragging him there (note: he didn't have any opposition, but I do feel like I'm always suckering him into doing baby things). It also makes me feel better about being able to identify when I'm actually in labor since I have such a prepared "support person."
My other favorite part was listening to this guy in our class ask questions. He was a total idiot! Now, I realize he was from another country and English wasn't his native language. I think he may have been from India. Well, among his notable questions were: regarding skin-to-skin contact - "Can't they wipe the baby off before they lay it on my wife?"; "If she's in labor, can't I just call the ambulance?"; "When will my wife's breasts be normal again?"; and the best one was when asked what is the best way to tell if your wife is in labor - "More complaining." There were hundreds more, but he seemed 1) totally clueless and 2) completely freaked out by babies and labor. Derek and I spent the car ride home joking about what a nut he was.
Anyway, it was a good class, and I'm glad we did it. One more class to go: Breastfeeding Basics on Feb 22. I'm really looking forward to that since I want to be sure I know how to breastfeed properly, and I have my fancy new breast pump - thank you, Kathi! :)
Now, I've been feeling better because of all the rest I've been getting. I only worked a half day on Friday, and I swear, I think I slept about 10-11 hours that day. I came home from work and slept until Derek got home, and then I went to bed around 9 and slept until morning. I noticed yesterday that my ankles actually looked like MY ANKLES again! Like, my prepregnancy ankles! I was so happy.
I've been drinking a ton of water to fight the dehydration, and I'm just resting a lot. I feel really lazy and fat (for not working out) but I know I want to wait and talk to Dr. Helmken tomorrow about everything.
Another thing that concerns me lately is that I was the only person in our birthing class (out of 10 couples) whose baby wasn't already head down. The nurse said it wasn't a big deal until we get further along and she still has time to flip, but my coworker Maria (we share the same due date) already has a head down baby. Stella went from being transverse to breech (or footling). I'm just scared she won't flip or won't have room (because I have a wacky uterus). Only time will tell, I guess. Everyone says not to worry about it, so I won't worry about it until it's a problem.
Anyway, I should also say thank you to my mom and mother in law for having my hometown baby shower today - Thank you! :) And thank you to everyone who is participating or planning to ship a gift to us. We really appreciate it.
I should also say Congratulations! to my friend Jessica who delivered her twin boys on Feb. 2. I'm also thinking of Neil and Lindsay in Ohio right now - I know you're both eagerly awaiting the arrival of Lila! I hope she comes soon! :)
(and Lindsay: I'm so jealous! I wish I was as close as you are!!) 9 more weeks to go!